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Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

Company News

The liquid nitrogen tank frosts. Is it broken?

Add time:2019-08-21 08:32:12 Views:1554 times

   Liquid nitrogen tank (also known as cryogenic tank) is a special storage container for liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen tank is designed with high vacuum and insulating materials. With the increasing use of liquid nitrogen, more and more liquid nitrogen tanks are used.

Users of liquid nitrogen cans do not know the structure of the cans. They can only judge whether the bottles are intact or not by some surface phenomena. For example, customers see this statement in many places: liquid nitrogen tank frost, because the liquid nitrogen tank was damaged, liquid nitrogen leakage.

We have received such a consultation: liquid nitrogen tank frost, is it bad? The following Tianchi Liquid Nitrogen Tank Instrument and Equipment Company will analyze the occurrence of this phenomenon for you in two ways:

1. In the process of using, the frost phenomenon of liquid nitrogen tank should be stopped immediately, and contact after-sales service to solve it for you within the service life.

2. When the liquid nitrogen tank is just filled with liquid nitrogen, frost will form at the neck of the tank. This is a normal phenomenon, this frost phenomenon will last for 1-2 hours. So in the second case, this is a natural phenomenon, not a problem. It can be used safely.

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